♥北海道戀人♥心機美人♥丹堤♥The Man♥

~北海道戀人面膜 Hokkaido Lover~

~北海道戀人~玻尿酸水漾面膜 Hokkaido Lover Hyaluronic Acid Mask

Minimises and prevents wrinklesDelays wrinkles formationImproves skin elasticity and moisturizing effectIngredients: Bolivian uric acid, rose water, vitamin B5, lavender extract, aloe extract

~北海道戀人~左旋C晶透浄白面膜 Hokkaido Lover L-ascorbic Acid Whitening Mask

還你肌膚明亮白晰,精選熊果素萃取液、左旋C、銀杏萃取,溫和的促進肌膚代謝, 加強抗氧化作用,修護膚色不均現象,帶走日曬暗沉,改善肌膚黯沈,回復肌膚最初透亮,減少皮膚皺紋, 阻斷黑色素形成,使肌膚回復透白柔嫩
Prevents formation of dark spotsSmoothens uneven skin to give rise to soft smooth skinImproves skin regeneration and brightens skinIngredients: Vitamin C, Bolivian uric acid, Cucumber extract, Arbutin extract, gingko extract

~北海道戀人~Q10緊緻彈力面膜 Hokkaido Lover Q10 Elastin Mask

讓我們一起減少歲月的痕跡吧!Q10緊緻彈力面膜,可補充皮膚內Q10之含量,激勵活化能量,使用利用 Q10的獨特特性,可讓肌膚緊緻平滑,恢復肌膚儲水、保水的功能,撫平皺紋的發生,並添加彈力蛋白及高保濕成分玻尿酸,改善皮膚使肌膚緊緻,多種植物萃取精華,幫助肌膚維持彈性緊緻
Prevents wrinkles and ageingGives hydrating and smooth effectImprove skin elasticity by tightening skinAids in skin regenerationIngredients: Q10, Collagen, Bolivian uric acid, wild herbs extract, root extract, rosemary extract

~北海道戀人~控油調理雙效面膜 Hokkaido Lover Purifying & Anti-oil Mask

Oil secretion control, improves skin renewal systemImproves skin sensitivity problems, repairs and tightens skinIngredients: Bolivian uric acid, flower extract, buckeye extract, rosemary extract, grass extract

~北海道戀人~15胜肽煥顏面膜 Hokkaido Lover Argireline Mask

Minimises pores and smoothens wrinklesRetains skin moisture and prevents water lossRepairs skin by improving rough and dullness of skin for skin glowRepairs skin texture to give rise to smooth skinIngredients: Argireline extract, hydrolisis soybean protein, collagen, Bolivian uric acid, vitamin E, flower extract, aloe extract

~北海道戀人~E.G.F 修護無痕面膜 Hokkaido Lover EGF Reconstruct Mask

極緻修護面膜,具有嫩膚作用、撫平細紋、緊緻肌膚、保濕修護等功能,內含「E.G.F」,而使用在肌膚保養上, 則可幫助皮膚表皮組織的新陳代謝,蠶絲蛋白可提高保濕,多重防護由裡至外加強你的美麗因子,讓美麗面面俱到
Regenerates skin and improves/prevents wrinklesTightening and hydrating effectsImproves skin elasticityIngredients: E.G.F, collagen, silk protein, Bolivian uric acid, aloe extract, seaweed extract, green tea extract, lavender extract

~北海道戀人~櫻花嫩白光采面膜 Hokkaido Lover Sakura Whitening Mask

Natural Vitamin C repairs the pores and nourishs the skinImproves pigmentation problematic areas and soothes skinControls and improves sebum secretion, resulting in healthier and glow-ly skinIngredients: Sakura extract, Bolivian uric acid, cherry extract, marigold extract, purple root extract, rose fruit extract

我的心機面膜系列 My Scheming Beauty Facial Masks
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燕窩與膠原蛋白 Bird Nest Mask

Bird’s Nest is the best essence anyone can have on their face! This gem locks the skin’s moisture content, prevents wrinkles, strengthens metabolism function and thereby improving skin elasticity

薄荷膠原蛋白面膜 Collagen + Menthol Extract Mask

薄荷腦是由植物提煉出來的成份,具清涼效果及止痛功能,氣味清爽可以提神 天然植物薄荷配方,清涼醒膚,讓肌膚不乾燥,讓你在炎炎夏日中同時享受清並添加高含量膠原蛋白,含高效保濕因子,能預防乾燥,粗糙老化現象產生 具改善及更生膚質,供給肌膚養分,達到柔皙效果,讓肌膚呈現健康柔皙的膚色
The Collagen Menthol Extract mask controls sebum secretion, repairs and restores skin structures. As it controls sebum secretion, it is suitable for people with oily skin

珍珠粉蛋白面膜 Pearl Extract Mask

添加「珍珠粉蛋白」,可提升肌膚活力,保持肌膚的水份及彈性 特別推薦乾燥無彈性膚質使用。珍珠蛋白的親膚性可使肌膚維持極佳的保水度 在面膜中添加可使水份不流失外,亦極有滋潤度,敷後如絲緞般柔滑
Pearl Powder is often sold in traditional chinese medicine stores, its usefulness can be seen almost in every aspect, from calming an afraid baby to improving skin conditions. Pearl taken from the oysters in the sea is grounded into powder, and then subsequently mixed with other goodness to come up with this mask. It improves skin elasticity, hydrates skin and correct uneven skin tone.
Its hydrating and moisturising power is much to be raved for, very suitable for people with dry skin

海洋深層水鑽石級面膜 Deep Ocean Water Mask

The Deep Ocean mask contains many rich micro mineral substances that supplies the skin with nutrients and moisturizes the skin

角质深层洁净面膜 Bacillus Ferment Mask

安抚,镇定,预防粉刺。加速肌膚新陳代謝,更新老廢角質,促進有效成分吸收, 全方位改善肌膚問題,使肌膚保持晶瑩剔透,白皙自然的膚色. 适合膚色暗淡者使用
The Bacillus Ferment Mask is a deep cleansing mask that helps to increase the skin’s metabolism, improving cell regeneration and complexion

葡萄籽亮白喚膚面膜 Grape Seed Extract Mask

肌膚明亮、緊緻有彈性 • 長期使用能延緩細紋滋生 •有很好的保溼效果,能留住肌膚水分, 減緩乾性肌膚缺水乾燥的現象, 重現飽滿豐潤的膚質,精華液成分, 讓肌膚水嫩嫩,光滑的留不住細紋
Grape seeds contain a huge amount of anti-oxidants, providing the skin a platform of regeneration and growth, thereby promoting increased skin elasticity and achieve an anti-aging effect

净化调理面膜 Iris Extract Mask

The Iris Extract Mask is a purifying mask that controls oil secretion, making skin clearer and smoother. Apart from that, it also helps to reduce pore size. This is recommended for people with oily skin

埔里酒粕純米吟釀 Sake-Kojic Extract Mask

使肌膚清透白皙並能促進肌膚的新陳代謝, 改善肌膚方面等等問題,因為含有豐富的 pitera 可使肌膚更光滑細緻 Sake-kojic is also known as red wine. Having lots of anti-oxidants, it moisturizes and brightens the skin, and also improves the skin elasticity

頂級玻尿酸保濕面膜 Sodium Hyaluronate Mask

刺激并促进皮肤细胞再生,玻尿酸含高效率的保湿能力。能有效預防肌膚老化,膚色黯淡、鬆弛 Hydrates the skin, Sodium Hyaluronate combats uneven skin tone and promotes cell regeneration

特濃紅酒多酚面膜 Red Wine Polyphenols Masks

紅酒多酚是從紅酒中萃取出,具有高度的抗氧能力,紅酒多酚可讓肌膚恢復明亮、白晰光澤 因此,將紅酒多酚用於保養品及面膜中,對於美眉而言,紅酒中的鈣、鎂、鉀、鐵,都能讓妳常保氣色紅潤
Provide whitening and hydrating effects. Hydration keeps the skin young, thereby achieving anti-aging effect

牛奶亮白保濕面膜 Milk Extract Mask

牛奶中含豐富的蛋白質、維生素A、B,E,可緊實肌膚,恢復彈性 而牛奶中的天然醣類再搭配保濕劑,對於保濕有極佳的效果,長期使用肌膚會更明亮透白溫和的牛奶香~完美乳清蛋白,敷在臉上可以立即改善臉部肌膚粗糙、無光澤的問題使肌膚重現完美,柔細光滑,白皙細膩,增加肌膚彈性。保濕、舒緩、平滑及明亮膚色多項功效,讓肌膚滑嫩透明感,嫩白柔細
Milk is good for both internally, and externally. Wondered why some girls wash their hair with milk, soak themselves in milk baths and drink a glass of milk everyday? The milk mask improves dull and rough skin, moisturizes and hydrates the skin so as to restore the elasticity and most importantly, WHITENS the skin

15胜肽鑽石面膜 Argireline + Amino Mask

能阻断神经传导, 使肌肉细胞呈现放松状态. 有效舒缓并抰制细纹及皱纹周边肌肉的收缩与活动. 帮助肌肤弹性组织回复柔顺平滑的线条, 减少脸部细纹
Argireline and Amino mask whitens and moisturises the skin, Amino acids also help to improve skin’s metabolism

蝦紅素鑽石面膜 Astaxanthin + Collagen Mask

Improves skin elasticity and moisturizes- Anti-oxidation effects that protects and benefits the skin

深海魚子鑽石級精華面膜 Caviar Extract Mask

The Caviar Extract mask is obtained from fishes under the deep sea. They contain high amounts of anti-oxidants, therefore reduces the chances of aging and promotes skin regeneration

金盞花舒緩鑽石級面膜 Marigold Extract Mask

將多種植物性保濕成分以及金盞花萃取液注入在精華液中, 在敷臉的過程,能使多種保濕成分以及養分充分滋潤肌膚完全滲透至肌膚深層,使肌膚充滿彈性和水嫩的光澤感
Marigold Extract mask contains the hydrating essence of the Marigold flower. The mild flower fragrance also provides an aromatherapy effect, leaving you rejuvenated

草本抗荳面膜 Herbaceous Anti-Acne Mask

Control sebum secretions- Tightens and minimizes pores

蘆薈維他命E面膜 Aloe Extract Mask

添加大量天然蘆薈濃縮精華液,蘆薈含有多種人體所需之珍貴胺基酸、蛋白質、維生素等元素長期使用可以活化肌膚,具有高度保濕修護功能並促進新陳代謝,營養滋潤作用,加速新陳代謝,減少細紋。可有效預防乾燥,以及粗糙老化現象產生,供給肌膚養分,溫和調理敏感肌膚、安撫紓緩效果。軟化皮膚,減緩日曬後不適,使肌膚晶瑩剔透,恢復肌膚健康活力,提升肌膚光滑細緻。 維他命e為一種重要的抗氧化劑能保持皮膚的水亮白皙,增加皮膚的穩定性,能夠更有效的讓肌膚吸收,發揮更加優澤的潤白效果,讓肌膚呈現白皙透亮的膚色,使臉部膚質更具光滑,輕鬆還妳明亮肌膚!!
The Aloe Extract Mask contains aloe vera and Vitamin E extracts. Vitamin E helps to lighten skin pigmentation, returning the skin with glow and radiance. Aloe Vera provides ample hydration for the face, reduces aging effect and improves skin elasticity

熊果素亮白無暇面膜 Arbutin Extract Mask

Arbutin prevents the formation of melanin, the black pigmentation that forms freckles and scars on our bodies. It also improves skin elasticity and uneven skin tone and correct skin dullness

蠶絲蛋白緊緻面膜 Hydrolyzed Silk Protein Mask

The hydrolyzed Silk Protein mask improves skin regeneration, skin elasticity and reduces UV ray damage from the sun

绿茶意仁嫩白净痘面膜 Green Tea Barley Extract Mask

Green Tea in the mask calms and soothes the skin, especially when it’s red and irritated. Barley works as a whitener, whitens and removes pigmentation caused by the harmful UV lights from the sun- the lack of sunblock! This mask also contains many other goodies that minimizes pores, softens and hydrate the skin. This is similar to Azulen, it is suitable for sensitive skin

左旋C淨白面膜 Levorotary C Mask

Levorotary C is a type of Vitamin C. Vitamin C has the ability to restore glow and eliminate dark pigmentations. Its high anti-oxidation activity also smoothen out wrinkles and improves skin elasticity

Q10膠原蛋白緊膚面膜 Q10 Collagen Mask

Improves skin elasticity, moisturizes and lighten skin, promotes cell regeneration

高麗人蔘鑽石級面膜 Ginseng Extract Mask


Adds raises the concentration “the ginseng Chinese side essence”, improvement skin color question. Has the ultra strong natural oxidation resistance effect, resists the flesh surface blood stream to be detachable, the activation cell, restores the flesh originally young and the elasticity, and has the highly effective moisturizer function.

櫻花嫩白光采面膜 Sakura Whitening Mask

不管在什麼季節都應該保護脆弱的肌膚,櫻花嫩白光采面膜,不只有淡淡的櫻花味,更精萃西印度櫻桃,讓西印度櫻桃裡天 然的維他命C深入調理毛孔,滋養肌膚改善暗沉,讓肌膚維持不緊繃的清爽狀態,還給肌膚明皙光采,再加上玻尿酸與多種植物精萃,其金盞花獨特效果,從古以來 即可修護、舒緩肌膚,溫和的平衡油脂分泌,同時給你健康好氣色!
- Moisturizes skin
- Clean pores
- Easily absorb

竹炭面膜 Bamboo Charcoal Mask


- Whitening
- Control oily residue

丹堤面膜 Dainty




全方位胶原面膜 All-in-One Collagen Mask——美白、保湿、紧肤,抗衰老 主要成份:植物性胶原蛋白、锁水组织分子、初乳蛋白、酵母、植物萃取精华产品功效:美白,保湿,紧肤东东不用偶多做介绍了吧~销量全台湾第一~适合所有肌肤~效果出众!唯一缺点,味道有点不好闻~!
Effect : This collagen anti-wrinkle mask helps you to get a firm & elastic skin. The formula helps you to restore skin structure and radiant. It also retains & replenishes moisture in the skin to prevent wrinkle from forming and maintains a youthful appearance by reducing signs of aging. For first time users, a light rash or tinging feeling is a normal reaction.

Skin type : Suitable for ALL skin type

柠檬香茅面膜 Citronnella Mask——去油、平衡油脂分泌,预防痘痘,让肌肤达到平衡状态,适合易长痘痘爱出油的肌肤。成份:香茅萃取精华,玻尿酸,维他命E油,氨基酸,植物精油,酵素产品功效:保湿、美白, 去油、平衡油脂分泌,预防痘痘,让肌肤达到平衡状态 .爱长痘痘的油田MM有福了!!!
Effects:Citronella mask helps you to get a firm & elastic skin. It is also able to control sebum secretions from the skin, thus making your skin less prone to the blemishes due to oily skin. The formula helps to restore skin structure making your skin soft and radiant. It also retains and replenishes moisture in the skin.

Skin type : Suitable for all skin types especially oily skin.

茄红素面膜 Lycopen Mask——保湿、细嫩、消除暗沉 、活肤,气色好!适合暗沉肌肤 丹堤面膜网友好评,特别企划--给你随时随地的美丽呵护!保湿、细嫩、消除暗沉 、活肤,气色好!适合暗沉肌肤主要成份:蕃茄萃取精华,VIT-A,C,E,琐水组织分子,初乳蛋白.产品功效:有效抑制黑色素形成,保湿,细嫩,消除暗沉 ,活肤,气色好.看到一只只番茄了吗?好馋闹~ 让皮肤亮白红润,给你好气色哦!!!
Lycopene is a natural carotenoid found in red fruits and vegetables has shown to be a powerful antioxidant, with trials demonstrating protective effects against cancers. Hence it is a desirable ingredient to both consume and apply on our skin as it slows down harmful oxidation that damages our skin.Lycopene is able to soften the deposited dead skin on our face, allowing users of Lycopene masks to have a supple, radiant look. The mask also has a refreshing fragrance of fresh fruits, giving users a relaxing and comfortable feeling.

Skin type : Suitable for ALL skin type

薰衣草面膜 Lavender Mask——保湿、晒后修复、镇定肌肤。 成份:薰衣草萃取精华,琐水组织分子,初乳蛋白,VIT-A.C.E产品功效:具有镇静安抚肌肤,协助肌肤水合凝聚力,并释放有效成份供给肌肤,达到柔嫩、细緻、明亮 。保湿,晒后修复,镇定肌肤.
Lavender has been used for centuries for health and healing, and because of its soothing and relaxing properties, it has become known as the "Mothering Oil".It has many practical uses such as calming the mind, settling irritability and restoring mind and body to a state in which healing can take place. Lavender is also cell rejuvenating, soothes skin irritations and heals blemishes.

Skin type : Suitable for ALL skin type

莲香保湿面膜 Lotus Mask——保湿、细嫩、美白、适合需要补水肌肤。 成分:莲花萃取精华,玻尿酸产品功效:为脸部肌肤补充水分,协助肌肤水合凝聚力,并释放有效成分供给肌肤达到柔嫩细致、明亮白皙。随著季节的变化,感觉到脸上的皮肤又干又黄甚至有落屑皲裂的现象呢?试试含有玻尿酸成分地莲香保湿面膜吧~相信它能改变肌肤缺水状况~特别喜欢它的外包装袋~~卡通的漫画,又有点小女人味~还有面膜中一股莲香的好味道!
Dainty Design Lotus Mask has a light soothing lotus fragrance that helps to relax one's mind. Hyaluronic Acid ingredient helps skin to retain moisture in skin cells, giving you a youthful, supple and radiant complexion.

Skin type : Suitable for ALL skin type

玫瑰面膜 Rose Mask——美白、保湿、活肤、消除暗沉,去皱,适用熬夜灰暗肌肤 成份:玫瑰萃取精华,VIT—A.C.E,锁水组织分子,初乳蛋白产品功效:美白保湿活肤消除暗沉除皱适用熬夜灰暗肌肤使用使用方法:脸部清洁后,取出一片与肌肤密合,于20—30分钟后取下。适合经常熬夜,肌肤暗哑的GGMM, 有提亮肤色,美白的效果. 熬夜的损失,一片就补回来了!
Rose extracts has calming, moisturizing, astringent, and cleaning effects and balances the fatigued skins by supplying nutrients that are needed. Especially, it is helpful to sensitive and weak skin types, leaving it healthy and bright and makes you feel refreshed.

Suitable for all skin types especially sensitive skin.

芦荟面膜 Aloe Mask——滋养润泽控油油水平衡,适合油性缺水及混合肌肤 成份:芦荟萃取精华,锁水组织分子,初乳蛋白产品功效:协助肌肤水合凝聚力,并释放有效成分供给肌肤达到柔嫩细致、明亮白皙,有效抑制多余油脂产生,调节肌肤油水平衡.滋润,控油,效果出众.赞一个!油性肌肤的最爱!
Effects: Helps skin brightening with moisture replenishment, restore skin structure for skin that is soft and radiant, retains & replenishes moisture in skin preventing wrinkles, increase skin cells metabolism and scar healing and prevents occurrence of acne

Skin type : Suitable for ALL skin type.

咖啡面膜 Coffee Mask

功效:高度保湿、美白紧实 说明:采集来自高海拔的阿拉比卡咖啡豆为主原料,生咖啡豆富含“绿原酸”,能清除氧的自由基,展现强大的抗氧化特性。咖啡萃取物能带给肌肤弹性与舒适感,自然恢复光滑肤质。 丹堤咖啡活颜面膜这完美配方亦含有稳定的维他命C、甘草萃取、天然保湿因子等成份,可促进肌肤健康代谢,让肌肤的美丽由内而外透亮出来,让您在享受咖啡香气的同时达成抗老化、嫩白、保湿、修复的功效,使肌肤更健康、更紧实、更白皙、更年轻。任何肌肤均可使用。
Already rich in antioxidants derived from the coffee bean, this coffee facial mask ups the skin care ante even more by providing the finest whitening and moisturizing ingredients to help skin become smoother, brighter and younger looking.


抗痘面膜 Check Whelk Mask

男性戰荳面膜能有效的抑制荳荳產生、控制皮脂活性,調節油脂分泌,改善油膩不潔肌膚、預防及改善面皰肌膚。 讓您的肌膚一整天都能有清爽不油膩、清新又清透的感覺喔。

竹炭面膜 Bamboo Charcoal Mask

對各種膚質均有保濕、及維護的效果。 並且迅速補充流失的水份,迅速補水,快速恢復年輕, 立即舒緩緊繃的肌膚。

控油面膜 Check Oil Mask

男性控油面膜採用獨特配方是針對所有的男性所研發,溫和清爽的質地,可減少皮脂的分泌,並提供肌膚深層所需的保濕, 可針對油性肌膚做最佳保養,調節臉部易出油的部位,可發揮具有淨化肌膚及調節油脂分泌的功效,迅速潔淨、緊緻毛孔,更能徹底深層淨化肌膚,將肌膚的污垢與 老化,讓肌膚從表層到深層都潔淨清爽並保濕,深度滋潤肌膚~


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