



我 的美麗日記為符合所有女生每一天都希望可以看到更有活力,更有光彩的皮膚,每一項面膜產品都針對不同膚況,使用不同成分來解決女生每天皮膚會遇到的小問 題。不論是乾燥,粗糙,毛孔粗大,出油等等問題,都可以根據每天皮膚的情形來選擇適合當天膚質、心情的面膜,藉由20-30分鐘的密集面膜保養,除了把面 膜上滿滿的精華液都注入到皮膚中,讓皮膚吸收了飽飽的營養。另外,面膜芳香的氣味以及清爽的包裝,都可依據每天不同的心情來挑選,就像女生每天挑選適合當 天心情的外衣一般,在心情上也獲得了滿足,得到了身心靈的平衡與放鬆,也是讓皮膚在每日生活的壓力下,能夠更加美麗的秘訣!

我 的美麗日記為女生每一天的皮膚把關,秉持著只推出優質有效產品的統一集團誠信精神,推出我的美麗日記全系列多種面膜,從皮膚的鎮定、保濕、緊質、美 白,到最細部的眼部肌膚特別護理產品。各種替女生最貼心著想的面膜,替女生照顧好每一天的肌膚,為每一個女生的皮膚,在每一天寫下最亮麗的日記!

用法 :清潔化妝水後,將面膜輕敷於全臉,約20-30分鐘後即可取下面膜,若臉上仍留有精華液,可以指腹輕輕按摩幫助肌膚吸收,無需清洗,敷完面膜後請重複乳液(霜)等日常保養程序,將滋潤成分鎖在皮膚內,建議每週使用面膜二至三次。

My Beauty Diary Mask, is the latest series introduced by Tong Yi pharmacy based in Taiwan. The concept of the products is to allow women of all ages to be"Prettier each day". The products are designed to suit difference users according to varies skin conditions, to keep their own facial diary and see the result of a healthier glow skin every day. The mask essence are from natural ingredients specially formulated for different uses such as Anti Aging, Anti Oxidant, Brightening, Calming, Clarifying, Cooling, Firming, Moisturising, Nourishing, Tighten Pores, Regenerating, Soothing and Oil Control. Easy absorption of the essence is made possible with Nanospheres Technology.

In order to match all womens dream of having vital and brilliance skin everyday, My Beauty Diary specially developed different mask products to aim at different skin condition such as dry and rough skins, black pores, oily skins, etc. For best result, you should observe your daily skin condition/mood and apply the most suitable mask accordingly. In addition, the masks are nicely packed with different flavoured fragrance, so you could also choose your mask basing your mood of the day, just like choosing daily outfit. The best outfit leads to a better mood and as we all know, a good mood balance and relax the mind and body, which is fundamental to obtain a healthy skin.

Why Use Facial Mask ?
Skin can absorb beauty products when pores open and this softens coarseouter layers.
The mask can help open pores by promoting circulation in facial capillaries.Facial masks can fully soften the rough outer layers, allowing nutrients to be completely absorbed by the skin.

How to use My Beauty Diary Mask:

1. Cleanse face thoroughly before applying mask.

2. Excess essence from the packaging may be applied on the neck by massage.

3. After 20-30 minutes, remove mask and gently massage face to assist absorption.

4. Rinsing is not required.

5. You may apply toner, moisturizer etc. after application

6. Use daily for maximum effect.

Feel the effects with 1 use!Affordable, Effective and Hassle free.

红酒多酚奈米 ~ Red Wine Polyphenal
适用肤质: 一般肌肤,尤松弛暗沉肌肤。
~ Skin Types: All skin types especially skin which is dull and lacks firmness.

~ Effects: Skin becomes glowing and radiant and blood circulation improved.

保溼度:★★★★★ (超保溼)

收斂促進循環 Anthocyans(花青素)和tannins(單寧)有促進circulation(循環)和收斂肌膚的卓越功效。 ►白皙、緊實 讓臉蛋散發宛如微醺時的嬌嫩光澤。
Characteristics: The presence of Anthocyans and Tannins helps to promotes the microcirculation of the skin, allowing the skin to have a natural glow and radiance, maintaining the elasticity and firmness of the skin texture.
Ingredients: Purified water, Propylene Glycol, 1,3-Butylene Glycol, Glycerine, Aloe , Arnica, Vitis Vinifera, Green Tea, Grapefruit, Hyaluronic Acid, Mucopolysaccharides, Yeast Complex, Albumin, Chamomile, Licorice, Nanospheres, Squalane, Watercress, Vitamin E Acetate, Bio-Active Silicones, Carbomer, Triethanolamine, Sodium Hydroxide, Xanthan Gum, Citric Acid , Butyl Paraben, Ethyl Paraben, Propyl Paraben, Methyl Paraben, Dimethicone, Tween 20, Lactamide, Fragrance

清酒酒粕奈米~ Sakae Yeast
适用肤质: 一般肌肤,除敏感干性肌肤。
~ Skin Types: All skin types except for sensitive skin try on hands first.

~ Effects: Whitening, moisturizing and improve elasticity of skin.

白嫩無暇、晶瑩剔透 海洋深層水釀造的清酒酒粕酵母精華能有效促進肌膚的老舊角質代謝,使肌膚白嫩無暇、晶瑩剔透。植物性膠原蛋白能充分供給皮膚所需養分,維持肌膚角質再生修 護能力。 ►全方位修護肌膚 仙人掌萃取精華富含類黃鹼素、多醣體和胺基酸,可幫助肌膚高度鎖水保濕,協同葡萄柚萃取 精華使肌膚柔軟並調理皮脂分泌。再搭配上海藻萃取精華,能夠促使皮膚新陳代謝、具保濕作 用使肌膚緊緻有彈性。
Characteristics: Sake brewed from deep ocean water, the sake yeast extract promotes the regenerating of cells, allowing skin to be clear and radiant. The Vegetal Collagen provides the nourishment needed by the skin maintaining the skin’s regenerating healing function.Cactus Extract contains rich amount of flavonoids, polysaccharide and amino acids which keeps the skin hydrated. Grapefruit extracts soften skins and regulates sebum secretion, allowing skin to stay refreshed and oil free. Algae Extract improves the skin metabolism and keeps the skin elastic and firm.
Ingredients: Purified Water, Propylene Glycol, 1,3-Butylene Glycol, Comfrey Extract, Glycerine, Cactus Extract, Algae Extract, Nanospheres, Aloe Extract, Marigold Extract, Vegetal Collagen, Centella Asiatica, Grapefruit, Hyaluronic Acid , Calendula Extract, Sake Yeast Extract, Bio-Active Silanols, Lemon Extract, Carbomer, Triethanolamine, Sodium Hydroxide, Xanthan Gum, Citric Acid, Butyl Paraben, Methyl Paraben, Ethyl Paraben, Propyl Paraben, Phenoxyethanol, Tween 20, Lactamide, Fragrance

白珍珠粉奈米~ Pearl Powder
适用肤质: 一般肌肤,尤暗沉受损肌肤。
~ Skin Types: All skin types, especially dull looking skin.

~ Effects: Regenerating, moisturizing, whitening and brightening

潤白肌膚 超細天然珍珠粉含多種胺基酸及微量元素,能滲透肌膚裡層、讓肌膚呈現水嫩潤白光澤;桑白皮植物精華可保濕滋潤肌膚。 ►活化滋養 富含維他命B與海藻酵母複合物等美容因數,能活化、滋潤肌膚;甘草及檸檬的成分能調理及滋養肌膚
Characteristics: The variety of amino acids and trace elements present in natural pearl powder can penetrate deep into the skin for supple, radiant look. Essence from the Mulberry extract helps in the hydration of the skin. The vitamin B and Algae-Yeast complex activates and nourishes the skin. Licorice and Lemon extracts help the skin to regain its balance while obtaining the nourishment at the same time.
Ingredients: Purified water, Collagen, Glycerine, Glycine, Propylene Glycol, 1,3-Butylene Glycol, Extra fine pearl powder, Aloe, Licorice, Ginkgo Biloba, Lemon, L-Ascorbic acid , Azelaic acid, Green tea, Algae-Yeast complex, Mulberry, Hyaluronic acid, Nanospheres, Bio-active Silanols, Carbomer, Sodium hydroxide, Potassium hydroxide, Xanthan gum, Citric acid, Triethanolamine, Tween 20, Methyl paraben, Butyl paraben, Ethyl paraben, Propyl paraben, Perfume

冰心活氧奈米 ~ Cooling
适用肤质: 一般肤质皆可使用。
~ Skin Type: All skin types especially sun exposed or tired skin

~ Effects: Cooling and refreshing sensation, moisturizing, hydrating, repairing.



金縷梅、山金車植物精華能幫助肌膚的天然代謝作用,調理肌膚作用,並能滋養皮膚,甘草植物精華具有舒緩效果,再加上沁涼因子薄荷,可以促進肌膚新陳代謝,降低肌膚溫度,增加疲憊肌膚的舒適感,沁涼補水每一吋肌膚,注入水潤元氣的好臉色 。
Characteristics: The Peppermint Extract is able to instantly refresh the tired skin promoting metabolism, energising the skin. Marigold Extract has excellent nourishing properties and helps in regulating the after exposed skin. The cooling effect by peppermint also helps to bring down the temperature, soothing the exposed skin. Green Tea Extract, Gingko Bildoa Extract works in combination against oxidation, protecting the skin and restoring the lustrous texture. Hyaluronic Acid together with Elderberry Extract replenishes the hydration required by the skin giving the skin a new-born softness texture.
Ingredients: Purified Water, 1,3-Butylene Glycol, Glycerine, Hyaluronic Acid, Yeast Complex, Peppermint Extract, Propylene Glycol, Arnica, Extract, Licorice Extract, Nanospheres, Bio-Active Silanols, Rosemary Extract, Calendula Extract, Witch Hazel Extract, Aloe Extract, Butcher broom Extract, Menthol, Ethanol, Carbomer, Triethanolamine, Sodium Hydroxide, Xanthan Gum, Citric Acid, Methyl Paraben, Propyl Paraben, Tween 20, Perfume.

保加利亚白玫瑰~ Bulgarian White Rose
适用肤质: 一般肌肤,尤暗沉缺光泽肌肤。
~ Skin Types: All skin types, especially dull looking skin.

~ Effects: Brightens and whitens the overall complexion.




透亮白皙 添加珍貴的保加利亞白玫瑰純露,具有天然舒緩、清淨保濕肌膚效果,安撫肌膚不適,協同甘草、奇異果萃取精華使肌膚白皙,並釋放有效成分滋養肌膚,溫和淡化 膚色,改善暗沉無光澤之肌膚,達到細緻、透明感、亮麗、有光澤的白皙膚質。 ►水嫩柔膚 天然植物保濕因子-蘆薈、小黃瓜精華加上海藻、植物膠原蛋白能安撫舒緩肌膚,瞬間補充肌膚水分,提升肌膚補水能力並使肌膚甦醒,強化保濕能力使肌膚再現光 澤與亮麗,保持肌膚的年輕水嫩,擁有真正的美肌。 保濕悠滑、彈性緊實 協同長效保濕因子-玻尿酸成分作用且提高肌膚含水量,增加緊實彈性
Characteristics:The Bulgarian Rose Water has relaxing and cleansing properties, together with Licorice and Kiwi extracts, they enhance the moisturisation and improve the dull skin condition restoring its fairness and radiance.Aloe, Cucumber and Algae extracts together with Vegetal Collagen replenishes the hydration needed by the skin allowing skin to stay supple and radiant.The presence of Hyaluronic acid is also prevents the loss of water and improves the firmness of the skin.
Ingredients: Purified Water, Vegetal Collagen, 1,3-Butylene Glycol, Glycerine, Algae, Propylene Glycol, Aloe, Licorice, Kiwi, Arnica, Pineapple, Bulgarian Rose Water, Cucumber, Hyaluronic Acid , Nanospheres, Bio-Active Silanols, Carbomer, Sodium Hydroxide, Potassium Hydroxide, Xanthan Gum, Citric Acid, Triethanolamine , Tween 20, Methyl Paraben, Propyl Paraben, Perfume

苹果多酚~ Apple
适用肤质: 一般肌肤,尤毛孔粗大肤质。
~ Skin Types: All skin types, especially skin for with enlarged pores.

~ Effects: Reduces the size of enlarged pores, helps to firm and moisture skin


溫和芙蓉花酸、長效緊緻毛孔 含天然芙蓉花酸精萃,其作用同果酸溫和不刺激,能夠去除老舊角質、改善及預防毛孔粗大; 具平衡油脂作用,可緊緻毛孔、徹底改善膚質使肌膚細緻柔亮
Characteristics: The natural acid present in the Hibiscus Sabdariffa Extract has the same effect as AHAs helping to remove surface dead skin but does not stimulate the skin. It also improves and prevents pores enlarging, regulating sebum secretion. This helps to tightens pores, and improves the skin texture.
Ingredients: Purified Water, Propylene Glycol, 1,3-Butylene Glycol, Water cress Extract, Glycerine, Apple Extract,, Algae Extract, Nanospheres, Aloe Extract, Albumin, Hibiscus Sabdariffa Extract, Bladder wrack, Gentian Extract, Hyaluronic Acid, Arnica Extract, Bio-Active Silanols, Lemon Extract, Carbomer, Triethanolamine, Sodium Hydroxide, Xanthan Gum, Citric Acid, Butyl Paraben, Methyl Paraben, Ethyl Paraben, Propyl Paraben, Tween 20, Lactamide, Fragrance

适用肤质: 一般肌肤,尤松弛老化肌肤。
~ Skin Types: All skin types, especially skin lacking firmness.

~ Effects: Moisturizing, anti-aging and anti-oxidant, restores skin structure.

Q柔白緊緻煥膚 Q10協同維他命BT複合精華急卵磷脂有優越的抗氧化作用,可以降低活性氧對肌膚的傷害,塑造出緊緻、彈力、光滑的年輕肌膚。 搭配天然植物舒緩保濕成分能滋潤保濕及舒緩肌膚,提高表皮層含水量,賦予肌膚彈性煥發水量透明感,將肌膚導向最佳狀態。 ►滋潤舒緩、彈性緊實 協同球體與長效保濕因數-玻尿酸成分作用,能持續保濕潤澤肌膚,給予肌膚緊實彈性。
Characteristics: Q10 (a.k.a Ubiquinone or Coenzyme Q), Vitamin BT (Carnitine) and Lecithin have excellent effects as anti-oxidants, reducing the harm caused by the free oxygen radicals in the air on the skin, creating firm, elastic smooth skin. With natural plant moisturizing ingredients to soothe and hydrate the skin, it not only improves the hydration in the surface skin, but also provide a lustrous texture, steering the skin to function at it’s peak. Hyaluronic acid works hand in hand Nanospheres to provide for prolonged hydration effect, rejuvenating of the skin.
Ingredients: Purified Water, Vegetal Collagen, Glycerine, Propylene Glycol, 1,3-Butylene Glycol, Aloe, Licorice, Comfrey, Lemon, Carnitine, Ubiquinone, Lecithin, Algae-Yeast Complex, Cucumber, Hyaluronic Acid , Nanospheres, Bio-Active Silanols, Carbomer, Sodium Hydroxide, Potassium Hydroxide, Xanthan Gum, Citric Acid, Triethanolamine , Tween 20, Methyl Paraben, Butyl Paraben, Ethyl Paraben, Propyl Paraben, Perfume

芦荟奈米 ~ Aloe Vera
适用肤质: 一般肌肤,尤干燥受损肌肤。
~ Skin Types: All skin types, especially dry and damaged skin

~ Effects: Extra moisturizing removes dead skin cells and lighten pigmentation

蘆薈奈米面膜 ► 保濕修護 天然的蘆薈萃取液含有多種維生素成分,能提供肌膚所需的水分與營養;薔薇植物精華能改善皮膚乾燥與粗糙現象。 ►活化滋潤 天然的海藻-酵母複合物含有豐富胺基酸與微量元素,能深入滋養與潤澤肌膚;生化科技萃取而來的玻尿酸是高效的保濕因子,可讓肌膚水嫩光滑。 對於日曬後的皮膚修護特別有效,可以舒緩皮膚。天然的凝膠對鬆弛的肌膚有緊實的作用,並可緊緻毛孔。
Characteristics: The natural Aloe Extract contains a variety of vitamins providing the nutrients and hydration needed by the skin. The essence from Rosehip helps to improve dry and coarse skin condition. Algae-Yeast complex penetrates deep to nourish and moisturise the skin and the Hyaluronic acid is well known for its hydrating power. This mask is especially effective for smoothing skin that has been exposed to the sun. The natural gel is effective for firming skin and pores tightening.
Ingredients: Purified water, Propylene-Glycol, 1.3-Butylene Glycol, Hyaluronic-Acid, Algae-Yeast complex, Milk protein, Glycerine, Nanospheres, Aloe Extract, Mulberry, Albumin, Collagen, Kiwi, Bearberry, Lemon, Rosehip, L-Ascorbic acid, Bio-active Silanols, Mucopolysaccharides, Vitamin E Acetate, Squalane, Methyl Paraben, Litsea Cubeba Essential Oil, Carbomer, Triethanolamine, Sodium Hydroxide, Xanthan Gum, Citric Acid, Butyl Paraben, Ethyl Paraben, Propyl Paraben, Dimethicone, Tween-20, Lactamide

普羅旺斯薰衣草 ~ Lavender
适用肤质: 一般肌肤,敏感肌肤亦适用。
~ Skin Types: All skin types, especially sensitive skin.

~ Effects: Relieves stress, prevents skin sensitivity,soften, soothing and hydrating

紓緩柔潤 添加優質的法國普羅旺斯薰衣草精油,含豐富植物精華,具天然舒緩、柔潤功效,馥郁細緻的香氣,能幫助舒緩肌膚,使身心和諧平衡;金盞花、山金車及金絲桃等 植物萃取精華,有助於改善及調理易肌膚,呈現亮麗又細緻的膚質。 ►保濕潤澤 高效保濕成分蓮花萃取,含天然潔淨舒緩活性因子,能淨化角質層、柔軟肌膚,並長時間保持肌膚濕潤,提供親膚性的天然保護層,使肌膚潔淨;溫和不刺激的甜杏 仁蛋白,對肌膚滲透力極佳,賦予皮膚適度滋潤,防止乾燥,提升肌膚保濕力,呈現的柔滑細緻觸感。
Characteristics: Lavender Essential Oil is rich in vitamin C and has soothing and relaxing properties. The aroma helps to clam and relax the tension accumulated in the skin restoring balance. The essence from Marigold Extract, Arnica and St John's Wort are effective for regulating sensitive skin for healthy and radiant skin. Lotus Extract‘s cleansing and calming properties can help in cleansing the dead skin as well as soften and hydrate the skin.The oil from Sweet Almond Protein can penetrate deep into the skin to prevent sensitive from dryness of skin and improve the skin hydration retaining function, creating a soft and smooth skin texture.
Ingredients: Purified Water, 1,3-Butylene Glycol, Glycerine, Propylene Glycol, Aloe, Licorice, Hyaluronic Acid, Seaweed Extract, Vegetal Collagen, Lecithin, Yeast Complex, Peppermint, Nanoparticles Constituted with copolymers, Bio-Active Silicones, Arnica, Triethanolamine, Methyl Paraben, Propyl Paraben, Squalene, Lavender Essential Oil, Citric Acid, Dimethicone, Tween-20, Xanthan Gum, Carbomer, Sodium Hydroxide, Dipostassium Glycyrrhizinate, Lotus Extract, St John's Wort, Marigold Extract, Sweet Almond Protein, Butcher Broom Extract

优酪乳奈米~ Yogurt
适用肤质: 一般肌肤,尤油性肌肤,除敏感干性肌肤。
~ Skin Types: All skin types especially for oily skin, except sensitive dry skin.

~ Effects: Whitening, moisturizing and improving elasticity of skin.

控油修護 萃取自優酪乳的精華液,能深層滋潤並維持肌膚的清爽水感、不泛油光;含有單寧成分的金縷梅與樺木、核桃植物精華,具舒緩、深層保濕的效果。 ►保濕滋潤 生化科技萃取而來的高效保濕因子玻尿酸,不僅能防止肌膚所需的水分流失,還能滋潤肌膚表皮的角質層,深層潤澤
Characteristics: The essence of the Yogurt extract provides for deep nourishing keeping the skin fresh and oil free. Tannins present in Witch Hazel, Walnut and Birch has the effect relaxing and hydration. Hyaluronic acid not only has the effect of preventing the loss of water in the skin surface but also provide for deep nourishing for the skin.
Ingredients: Purified water, Collagen , Glycerine, Propylene Glycol, 1,3-Butylene Glycol, Aloe, Green tea, Witch Hazel, Walnut, Birch, Yogurt extract, Nanospheres, Algae-Yeast complex, Mucopolysaccrides, Hyaluronic acid, Bio-active Silanols, Carbomer, Sodium hydroxide, Xanthan gum , Citric acid, Triethanolamine, Tween 20, Methyl paraben, Butyl paraben, Ethyl paraben, Propyl paraben, Perfume

精米胜肽乳奈米~ Rice Peptides
适用肤质: 一般肌肤,尤老化肌肤。
~ Skin Types: All skin types, especially mature skin.

~ Effects: Moisturizing, repairs,hydrating,firming,tightening and improve elasticity of skin.



功效:力升 線、賦活修護• 精米月生月太萃取精華含米糠精養成分中的神經胺及複合維它命群,可以有效保溼,加強負質深層的保水度並調節皮膚角質的正常機能,具有絕佳的保溼及修護特 性,使肌膚充滿彈性與透明感。另添加大豆月生月太萃取精華所組成的緊緻活化連結精華,賦予肌膚雙重新生功效,提升肌膚的防禦力,減緩肌膚老化徵兆的出現。 舒爽保溼、柔皙白亮•金縷梅、山金車、龍膽柔軟肌膚,搭配天然植物保溼成份-海藻及墨角藻能滋潤保溼肌膚,改善乾燥肌膚,減少深層皺紋產生,像防護罩一樣 呵護肌膚,減少皮膚中的水分被空氣帶走,使肌膚回復到年輕健康的膚質
Characteristics: The Soy-Peptides and Rice-Peptides combination contains both rice bran and soy iso-flavone essence producing a strong regenerating effect. Not only does it help the skin regain its elasticity and firmness, but it also regulates the skin’s function reducing the dullness and aging-signs to allow the skin restore its vibrate, smoothness and radiance.Witch Hazel Extracts, Bladder wrack and Gentian Extract can soften and refresh the skin. In combination with Water cress Extract and Algae Extract, the hydration effect is maximised, improving the condition of dry skin and reducing the appearance of wrinkles.
Ingredients: Purified Water, 1,3-Butylene Glycol, Water cress Extract, Glycerine, Witch Hazel Extract, Algae Extract, Nanospheres, Aloe Extract, Propylene Glycol, Soy -Peptides, Rice-Peptides, Bladder wrack, Gentian Extract, Hyaluronic Acid , Arnica Extract, Bio-Active Silanols, Lemon Extract, Carbomer, Triethanolamine, Sodium Hydroxide, Xanthan Gum, Citric Acid, Methyl Paraben, Tween 20, Fragrance

纳豆 奈米 ~ Natto
适用肤质: 一般肌肤,尤暗沉缺乏弹力缺水肌肤。
~ Suitable Skin Types: All skin types, especially dry skin.

~ Effects: Anti-aging, firming, moisturizing, hydrating and skin elasticity.

高效鎖水保濕 納豆精萃內含r-PGA成分,不僅能在表層肌膚上形成一道水薄膜,減少水分子的散失,更可深入內層,達到高效保水的目的,並在生化活化矽及深海海藻精華調 理下,使肌膚的含水量達到?洩漯牯A,恢復光澤彈力。 ► 延緩老化、緊緻肌膚 納豆精華含有豐富的異黃酮素,能使肌膚避免受到侵害,減緩肌膚因年齡所產生的細紋、延緩老化,使肌膚緊緻有彈力。
Characteristics: The r-PGA component present in Natto Gum not only protects the skin with a thin layer of water film preventing the loss of water from skin surface, but also effectively penetrates deep to hydrate the skin. Together with the Bio-Active Silanols and Algae Extract conditioning, they work to achieve maximum hydration for the skin regaining its luster. The Natto essence is iso-flavone rich and helps to rejuvenate the skin, improving the skin’s elasticity, reducing signs of aging.
Ingredients: Purified Water, Propylene Glycol, 1,3-Butylene Glycol, Water cress Extract, Glycerine,Elder Extract, Algae Extract, Nanospheres, Aloe Extract, Natto Gum, Laminaria Digitata Extract, Bladder wrack, Grapefruit, Hyaluronic Acid , Arnica Extract, Bio-Active Silanols, Lemon Extract, Carbomer, Triethanolamine, Sodium Hydroxide, Xanthan Gum, Citric Acid, Butyl Paraben, Methyl Paraben, Ethyl Paraben, Propyl Paraben, Phenoxyethanol, Tween 20, Lactamide, Fragrance

黑珍珠 ~ Black Pearl
适用肤质: 一般肌肤,特推荐缺乏光泽与弹力肌肤。
~ Suitable Skin Types: All skin types, especially for skin dull looking and lack firmness skin.

~ Effects: Firming, regenerating, moisturizing, whitening and brightening

極致潤白 極致潤白複合精華,採用璀璨迷人的黑珍珠萃取,蘊藏肌膚美麗因子 – 含豐富珍珠精華,是養顏美膚精選配方。以黑珍珠所凝聚的天然活性精髓,結合多種天然海洋以及植物精萃,能使肌膚白皙柔潤,提升肌膚自然保濕與嫩白機制,賦 予肌膚絲緞般柔滑觸感,煥發珍珠般的亮麗光采! ► 彈性透亮 亮白植物精華 – 鳳梨、萊姆樹、小黃瓜,可溫和去除表皮老廢角質,使肌膚光滑細緻、清新柔白,呈現水嫩透亮的肌膚;同時幫助深入滋養潤澤肌膚,提高肌膚彈性,增加肌膚的光 澤與活力,呈現出彈性透亮的完美膚質!
Characteristics: Combining the active ingredients from the black pearl together with extracts from the marine and plants, it enhances the hydration of the skin improving radiance.Natural vitamin C extracted from plant essence helps to exfoliate gently, removing dead skin on the surface. This allows for deep moisturising, improving skin elasticity, energising the skin for a healthy, radiant look.
Ingredients:Purified Water, 1, 3-Butylene Glycol, Glycerine, Propylene Glycol, Aloe, Hyaluronic Acid, Pineapple, Alage, Cucumber, Lime Tree, Triethanolamine, Methyl Paraben, Algae-Yeast Complex, Bio-Active Silanols, Lecithin, Nanospheres, Vegetale Collagen, Citric Acid, Royal Pearl

巧克力多酚面膜每片~Chocolate RM3.50
说明:藉由獨特先進的奈米技術,短時間內讓肌膚吸收完整營養,並長時間維持柔嫩及光澤。 針對東方肌膚調配出適合每天敷臉的天然植物精華,讓你天天擁有美麗、自信的好氣色! 融合紧致明亮的美肌种子--可可萃取精华含天然植物乳脂,植物类黄酮,矿物质,维生素以及多酚类物质,具出色的滋润,修护与防老特性,使缺水晦暗的肌肤恢复柔滑紧致,同时淡化暗沉,呈现水嫩透亮;结合咖啡萃取精华紧致因子,可改善肌肤紧致度,赋予肌肤加倍弹性水亮! 蕴藏细致水嫩的甜蜜滋味--柠檬,甜橙,越橘精华与甘蔗,糖撅萃取的协同作用,可温和去除表皮老废角质,使肌肤纹理光滑细致,同时滋润舒爽干燥的肌肤,呈现柔皙水嫩的肤质.浓郁甜蜜的巧克力芳香,洋溢着甜蜜愉悦的滋味,让肌肤也充满了恋爱的幸福感



天然草莓精華富含果酸、礦物質與酵素等,能使肌膚潔白清新、水感升級,搭配含活性乳酸的優格精華,幫助平衡油脂分泌并緊致毛孔,使肌膚紋理細緻不泛油光。 草莓于有個的完美結合,加上熊果萃取的亮膚協同作用,展開一連串肌膚凈白透亮機制,擊退黯沉膚色,重現肌膚白里透紅的健康好起色!


綿葵精華結合瞬效鎖水因子 V-PGA聚胺酸,形成一道機能性水薄膜,幫助提高肌膚含水量,杜絕水分流失,同時深層潤澤,使肌膚明亮清透、彈性倍增!就像草莓的香甜滋味配上優格的滑嫩口感,為每一吋肌膚盈滿甜美活力,打造宛如草莓般紅嫩清透膚質!

【美肌小百科】 敷上草莓優格面膜,享受甜美的美肌Q魔力!草莓,有二百五十年歷史,最早栽種者為荷蘭人,慢慢拓展至歐美溫帶地區。食用部分在生物學上稱為 “假果”,由 “花萼”演進而成,外觀呈心形、果肉多汁、香氣誘人,是充滿魅力的水果!

“優格”譯自英語Yogurt,字源為土耳其語yogurt。相傳優格與人類有四千年以上的淵源,回教徒稱為 “先知的飲品”;基督教徒稱為 “天使的禮物”;法國人譽為 “生命之乳”。

收紧、弹性紧实: 马尾草、海藻、里根草、龙胆、冷冻萃取接骨木芽苞精华等多种天然植物紧实精华,加上欧洲七叶树能够帮助促进眼周围肌肤循环。
保湿舒缓: 金缕梅、苹果、芦荟、山金车、金盏花多种天然草本保湿舒缓精华协同球体与长效保湿因子-玻尿酸、植物胶原结合深海藻成分作用,能深度保湿及安抚、舒缓眼部肌肤。


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